
It’s important to us that the help, information, or advice we provide to individuals in need is accurate, reliable, and verified. Below you will find a list of online resources you can refer to seeking support as or for Ukrainian refugees:

Partner organisations


The WOMEN4WOMEN Foundation, whose mission is to protect reproductive rights and empower women, runs a consultation point in Rzeszów for refugee women from Ukraine, offering information on reproductive rights and access to healthcare. In cooperation with Alliance4Europe, the foundation prepares menstrual packages, an information campaign and various events to support vulnerable women.

Medic for Health

The MEDYK DLA ZDROWIA Foundation works for health care, promoting prevention by implementing programs such as STOP Diabetes and Heart Day in Podkarpacie. It actively supports the elderly by running care homes, offers psychological care through the PoMOC Centre for Diagnosis and Psychotherapy and is involved in helping refugees from Ukraine by providing them with medical and educational support and assistance in integrating into Polish society.

LevelUp Foundation

The Foundation activates the inhabitants of Rzeszów, especially those aged 50+, by organising various events, trainings, conferences, festivals and other initiatives. It cooperates with authorities, NGOs and institutions, promoting the Foundation’s goals, supporting marginalised social groups, and engaging in activities for seniors, including promoting their activity and creativity.

As part of A4E and PH activities, the foundation conducts – intercultural conversations

  • integration meetings
  • multicultural integration
  • joint Polish-Ukrainian activities in the field of handicrafts, drawing, painting, cookery, gardening
  • plein-air painting workshops 
  • building a multicultural society 

Thus activating senior citizens from Poland and Ukraine

Kreatywna Pozytywka Association

The Kreatywna Pozytywka association brings together craftspeople, animators and teachers, working in the field of culture, education and animation for various social groups, including people at risk of exclusion. They have participated in numerous cultural events in Przemyśl and cooperate with local organisations and communities.

Activities undertaken in collaboration with Alliance4Europe include workshops general artistic, theatrical and therapeutic workshops, which take the form of integration with refugees from Ukraine as well as integration events aimed at exchanging ideas, presenting Polish and Ukrainian culture and spending time together Polish and Ukrainian culture and spending time together with Ukrainian refugees.

Marek Kaminski Foundation

The Kaminski Foundation, in cooperation with Alliance4Europe, is intensively involved in youth activities. Together they organise recruitment for training courses and workshops within the Life Plan Academy programme, aimed mainly at young people from Rzeszów and the surrounding area. In addition, during the summer holidays, they run activities at summer camps in Ustrzyki Dolne, where participants have the opportunity to develop their skills, build mental resilience and learn values such as gratitude, cooperation and respect. This collaboration aims to equip young people with the tools they need to cope in today’s world, both emotionally and professionally.

Folkowisko Foundation

Founded on the day the war in Ukraine began, the Folkowisko Humanitarian Foundation was immediately involved in helping refugees, setting up humanitarian towns and delivering tonnes of aid to the most needy regions of Ukraine. One year on from the invasion, the Foundation continues to support Ukraine and its work has become even more diverse.

Bee Brave

The Bee Brave Foundation, founded in Krasne in 2021, aims to raise awareness of self-defence and safety, and to support the personal development of young people, adults and children through various training and courses. They organise practical self-defence training, entrepreneurship and language courses, as well as engaging in children’s initiatives and charity events.

Altum Society

The ALTUM Society, based in Rzeszów, offers free information services on business financing, management, education and many other aspects of business. They aim to equalise educational opportunities for young people, prevent pathologies and social activation. They organise workshops and seminars on democracy and the European Union. They actively support Ukraine by organising collections and aid for refugees. They work with Alliance4Europe, offering career advice and job placement. They have a wealth of experience in implementing projects and collaborating with various institutions. The main goal of the Society is to support the development of entrepreneurship, education, civil society and environmental protection.

Important contacts

Government information for those who want to help or need help

Information for those coming from Ukraine

In-kind aid

Information on health care

Legal information

Information on humanitarian aid

Ukrainian rail transport

Ministry of foreign affairs

Consulate of Ukraine in Przemyśl

Polish Institute in Kiev

Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Customs Service of the Republic of Poland

Official website of the President of Ukraine

Official site of the Supreme Council of Justice of Ukraine

Border Police of Ukraine

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

IT Ukraine Association

If you’re looking for more information, inspiration, or assistance, make sure to check out our blog or contact us for further guidance. We’re here to help you every step of the way.